Some people have no doubt that tinnitus is an issue. They hear a constant sound coming from within their body, and the symptoms can be worst when the world is quiet. However, with about 25 million Americans experiencing tinnitus, many of these people are not aware of their condition. They might think that the ringing haze of sound in the …
Studies Show Higher Rates of Hearing Loss for People with Diabetes
When two different conditions tend to show up at the same time, medical professionals call them comorbidities. Although this term helps understand how different problems relate to one another, it can also give a false impression that one condition is causing the other. Although some health conditions are connected in that direct cause-and-effect relationship, most are connected indirectly. In other …
Signs You May Have Tinnitus
For some people, the symptoms of tinnitus are undeniable. Many people with tinnitus have such severe symptoms that they struggle to fall asleep at night or experience psychological distress throughout the day. They might hear a loud ringing sound that is distracting when they try to focus on other things, and quiet environments can be the most difficult for paying …
Links between Hearing Loss & COVID-19
In the last two years or so, we have learned an enormous amount about COVID-19. It’s almost hard to believe that the disease was not on the radar not long ago, and now it has come to dominate some parts of life. As we learn more about the condition, it looks like some symptoms are common, such as fever and …
A Connection between Hearing Loss, Depression, and Dementia
The body is an interconnected web, with no one part functioning in isolation of the others. However, some body parts seem to be more loosely connected than others. How could the ears be connected to something like mental health or cognition? In order to understand how such seemingly disconnected aspects can be connected, we need to look at the process …
How Hearing Loss Treatment Can Lessen Loneliness
If you’ve been feeling isolated or lonely in the past couple of years, you’re not alone. Loneliness is an emotion that often comes and goes. It’s usually short-lived and harmless. But what happens when loneliness sticks around? One study published a few years ago found that chronic loneliness can increase your risk of dying by 26%! Not only does loneliness …
Even a Mild Hearing Loss Contributes to Cognitive Decline
Hearing loss impacts everyone in different ways. For some, hearing loss can affect low sounds, while others experience high-frequency hearing loss that affects high sounds. Most people with hearing loss have a harder time following conversations, as well as having more difficulty hearing when there’s a lot of background noise. Hearing loss is also linked to cognitive decline. In fact, …
Start Your New Year with Better Hearing!
This is the time of year where it is common to reflect and set new goals. Making health-related goals for the New Year is a great way to prioritize wellness and mark a fresh start. If you have noticed any changes with your hearing, the new year is the perfect time to commit to better hearing! Impact of Untreated Hearing …
How Quitting Smoking & Lowering Blood Pressure Could Support Healthy Hearing
When you are in good health, health is a subjective word. However, as health issues start to catch up with you, hindering what you can do and how you feel daily, we begin to realize that a healthy lifestyle may be more important to the quality of life than we previously suspected. This is for instance why many younger people …
How Often Should I Get a Hearing Test?
You’re not alone if you’re unsure how to maintain your hearing health. “How often should I have a hearing test?” is a common question we get. Most Americans have annual physical exams with their doctors or have their vision examined every year or two. However, no one seems to know how often they should have their hearing tested. Here’s our …