This month is Better Hearing and Speech Month! This annual initiative is organized by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) to raise awareness about communication disorders and effective solutions. The campaign focuses on hearing loss, one of the most pervasive medical conditions that adults navigate today. Hearing loss impacts nearly 48 million people and is the third most common chronic condition …
Watching TV with Hearing Aids
An estimated 50 million Americans of all ages have a hearing loss. And most of these Americans have a hard time hearing the TV! Even mild hearing loss makes it much harder to follow what’s being said on the news or during your favorite show. Hearing loss makes it harder to focus on the TV audio, and tune out any …
A Link between Tinnitus, Anxiety, and Sleep Issues
Do you have tinnitus? This invasive sound is a buzzing or ringing noise that only you can hear. An estimated 50 million Americans have tinnitus, and deal with these phantom sounds. Did you know that there is a link between tinnitus, anxiety and sleep issues? When you have frequent tinnitus, you’re more likely to have high anxiety, and have a …
Adults with Hearing Loss at Higher Risk for Unemployment
While most hearing loss originates in the ears, it immediately becomes a communication issue, making it difficult to communicate with your family members, friends and co-workers. In the early stages of hearing loss, these communication issues can easily be ignored, but as the years continue, untreated hearing loss can lead to depression, lack of confidence and specifically in the workplace, …
March 3 is World Hearing Day: Hearing Care for All
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that there are 466 million people affected by hearing loss worldwide and this number is only expected to rise to 900 million by 2050. Hearing loss is a serious issue, most often irreversible and affecting much more than just ears. The effects of hearing loss can impact emotional, mental and physical health in very …
Memory Loss & Psychological Distress with Hearing Loss
When it comes to hearing loss, we can rely on two types of reports to understand the nature of the condition. On the one hand, individual people can tell their stories, and this qualitative “data” is useful to understand the fine-grained details of experiences. This information is helpful to learn the specific facts that would not be asked in a …
Athletes and Hearing Loss
Lately, when we watch live sports on TV, there is something noticeably missing. The stands are empty and the fans are at home, watching from the comfort of their own homes. One thing that the athletes in the stadium might notice: a very clear difference in sound level. Remember when we attended live sporting events? The ability to see what’s …
When to Take a Hearing Test
For some people the decision to get a hearing test is crystal clear. If you find yourself in a situation where you are the only one in the room unable to hear something, then there is no question that you need to get your hearing checked. These encounters can make it quite plain that your hearing is worse that other …
A Healthy Diet Can Lower the Risk of Hearing Loss
Although hearing loss is quite common in older populations, there are lifestyle habits you can follow to reduce your risk of loss. Not only is it crucial to wear hearing protection when you are exposed to loud sounds and to limit your exposure to that sound whenever possible, but some other features of a healthy life have demonstrated a lower …
Common Excuses for Not Buying Hearing Aids
Hearing loss is incredibly common – over ten percent of the population and one in three people over age 65 live with some form of hearing loss. What is sadly less common is treating hearing loss. For people under 70, fewer than 16% of those with hearing loss use hearing aids. Over age 70 the statistics aren’t much better – …