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The Sound Foundation: Nurturing Hearing Health for Overall Well-being

In Hearing Health, Hearing Loss by Roselynn Gamboa Young, Au.D., CCC-A

Hearing health is not merely the ability to perceive sound; it is the cornerstone of overall well-being. As a hearing professional, my commitment is not just to treat hearing loss but to advocate for its prevention, early detection, and comprehensive management. Recent advancements in the field have revolutionized our approach, providing a holistic perspective on the intricate relationship between hearing …

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Navigating Your Hearing Exam: Understanding Results and the Path to Better Hearing

In Hearing Health, Hearing Testing by Roselynn Gamboa Young, Au.D., CCC-A

Hearing is one of our most vital senses, allowing us to connect with the world around us. However, hearing loss is a common issue that can affect anyone at any age. Understanding what to expect at your hearing exam and comprehending the results is crucial in addressing hearing issues early and effectively. In this article, we will guide you through …

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The Sound Investment: Cultivating Healthy Hearing Habits Early

In Hearing Health, Hearing Loss Prevention by Roselynn Gamboa Young, Au.D., CCC-A

Hearing is an invaluable gift that connects us to the world around us. Whether it’s the laughter of loved ones, the soothing rustle of leaves, or the melody of your favorite song, the ability to hear enriches our lives in countless ways. As hearing professionals, we understand the profound impact that hearing loss can have on an individual’s quality of …

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Protecting Your Hearing: Professions at Risk

In Hearing Loss, Hearing Loss Prevention, Noise by Roselynn Gamboa Young, Au.D., CCC-A

Hearing loss is not confined to age or genetics; it can be an occupational hazard, silently affecting the lives of those who work in specific fields. Identifying these high-risk professions is essential in implementing preventative measures. Construction Workers The constant exposure to heavy machinery, power tools, and loud construction environments puts construction workers at significant risk of hearing loss. Implementing …

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Preventing Falls and Accidents: The Crucial Role of Hearing Aids

In Balance, Hearing Health by Roselynn Gamboa Young, Au.D., CCC-A

As a leading audiologist, I am committed to the well-being and safety of my patients. In my many years of practice, I have witnessed the profound impact that hearing loss can have on an individual’s life. Beyond the well-known challenges of communication and social isolation, hearing loss also poses a significant risk to one’s physical safety. In this article, I …

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Understanding Denial of Hearing Loss: A Comprehensive Guide for Patients and Professionals

In Communication, Family & Relationships, Hearing Loss by Roselynn Gamboa Young, Au.D., CCC-A

Hearing loss is a common and often misunderstood condition that can have a significant impact on a person’s quality of life. While advancements in hearing care have provided effective solutions for prevention, diagnosis, and management, many individuals continue to deny the reality of their hearing loss. As leading audiologists and hearing professionals, we aim to shed light on the reasons …

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Recognizing the Signs of Hearing Loss in Others: A Vital Guide

In Communication, Family & Relationships, Hearing Loss by Roselynn Gamboa Young, Au.D., CCC-A

Hearing is an integral part of our lives, enabling us to communicate, enjoy music, and stay connected with the world around us. However, hearing loss is a common and often under-recognized issue that can significantly impact one’s quality of life. As leading audiologists and hearing professionals, it is our responsibility to educate individuals about the signs of hearing loss and …

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Recognizing the Signs: When to Consider Replacing Your Hearing Aids

In Audiologist, Hearing Aid Technology, Hearing Aids by Roselynn Gamboa Young, Au.D., CCC-A

Hearing aids have been a transformative solution for those with hearing loss, allowing them to regain a sense of connection with the world around them. However, like all technological devices, hearing aids have a limited lifespan and may eventually require replacement. Recognizing the signs that it’s time to replace your hearing aids is essential to ensure that you continue to …

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Nourishing Sound: Exploring Nutrients for Optimal Hearing Health

In Education, Overall Health by Roselynn Gamboa Young, Au.D., CCC-A

Your sense of hearing connects you with the world around you. As we age, however, our hearing abilities can decline due to various factors, including genetics, noise exposure, and lifestyle choices. While we cannot prevent all causes of hearing loss, emerging research suggests that certain nutrients might play a role in supporting and maintaining optimal hearing health.  Antioxidants: Safeguarding Against …

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Sensorineural Hearing Loss

In Hearing Health, Hearing Loss by Roselynn Gamboa Young, Au.D., CCC-A

Sensorineural Hearing Loss Sensorineural hearing loss is the third most common, chronic, health condition that older adults live with today. According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD): 1 in 3 adults, ages 65-74, have some degree of hearing loss. This increases to half of all adults, 75 and older, who have disabling hearing loss. Though …