For some people the decision to get a hearing test is crystal clear. If you find yourself in a situation where you are the only one in the room unable to hear something, then there is no question that you need to get your hearing checked. These encounters can make it quite plain that your hearing is worse that other …
A Healthy Diet Can Lower the Risk of Hearing Loss
Although hearing loss is quite common in older populations, there are lifestyle habits you can follow to reduce your risk of loss. Not only is it crucial to wear hearing protection when you are exposed to loud sounds and to limit your exposure to that sound whenever possible, but some other features of a healthy life have demonstrated a lower …
Common Excuses for Not Buying Hearing Aids
Hearing loss is incredibly common – over ten percent of the population and one in three people over age 65 live with some form of hearing loss. What is sadly less common is treating hearing loss. For people under 70, fewer than 16% of those with hearing loss use hearing aids. Over age 70 the statistics aren’t much better – …
Tips for a Successful Virtual Family Reunion
With the holiday season upon us, you are probably planning events this year that look quite different from those in the past. Understanding and staging successful virtual events is a skill unto itself and a good one to learn this year. With a little planning, your online events can capture the joy and preserve family traditions in a way that …
Hearing Loss Cures of the Past
When it comes to hearing loss, we have come a long way when it comes to treatment! Not only has our understanding of the nature and causes of hearing loss developed greatly, but we have also advanced technology to a remarkable level of support. Many of those with hearing loss in the past were left to get by as best …
Conductive Hearing Loss: Signs, Causes, and Treatments
When you think of hearing loss the first thing that might come to mind is the loss associated with growing older. Indeed, most people who are fortunate enough to reach the golden years of life will have some degree of age-related hearing loss. Although our minds naturally gravitate to this common form of hearing loss, another major type is not …
Ear Infections & Hearing Loss
There are a number of causes of hearing loss. You’re probably already familiar with some of them. Older adults can experience hearing loss as part of the natural aging process. Younger adults may have hearing loss caused by exposure to loud noise. Other causes of hearing loss can include an injury, or even hereditary factors. Ear infections may also lead …
Can Hearing Loss Be Cured?
Hearing loss is one of the most prevalent health conditions in the US. In fact, nearly 50 million Americans of all ages have a hearing loss. Audiologists recommend treating hearing loss with hearing aids so you can get back to hearing all the sounds around you. If you’ve recently realized you have a hearing loss, you’re probably wondering if hearing …
Studies on Hearing Loss and Injuries
If you have some hearing loss, you’ve noticed that it’s harder to follow conversations or hear clearly in places with a lot of background noise. What you might not know is that hearing loss is linked to an increased risk of injuries! People with hearing loss are less aware of their surroundings. They’re more likely to have an accident, fall, …
Celebrate World Alzheimer’s Month with a Hearing Test!
Did you know that 50 million people around the world have dementia or Alzheimer’s disease? This disease affects the brain, and causes memory loss and difficulty functioning. September is World Alzheimer’s Month, so it’s the perfect time to learn all about Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s Disease International provides information and education about Alzheimer’s disease and dementia and works tirelessly to increase …