Hearing Aid Repair and Cleaning
Free In-House Service
- Replace domes, filters, wax guards, ear grips
- Remove cerumen/debris
- Change earmold tubing on custom earmold
- Vacuum microphone and receiver ports
Your hearing device(s) could stop working when cerumen blocks the sound openings or microphone and receiver ports. Tubing on custom earmolds can wear out and harden over time and needs replacement. If your hearing device(s) stopped working, it is important to come to the office to find out what is causing the device to stop operating. We provide a free check-up and cleaning on your hearing aids even though you did not purchase it from our office.

What to expect:
Your audiologist will inspect your hearing device(s) to see if there are any blockage in the sound openings. Your audiologist will change, if applicable, domes, filters, wax guards, earmold tubing and vacuum microphone and receiver ports. If your hearing device can not be fixed in the office due to problems beyond repair, we will send the hearing device(s) back to the manufacturer for repair. If your hearing device is not under any warranty we will give you a quote on the repair cost or we will send the hearing aid to the manufacturer to diagnose the problem first and inform you of their recommendations. The manufacturer will repair the device once we obtain your authorization to move forward with the repair. We will immediately contact you as soon as the hearing device(s) are back from repair.
Most of your hearing device(s) purchased from Roseville Diagnostic Hearing Center will have a 3-year repair and a 3-year loss and damage guarantee (4–year repair and loss/damage on select models). Loss and damage is a one-time occurrence replacement per aid within the warranty period. A minimal processing fee from the manufacturer will apply.